Clients & Work Samples

Current and Past Clients

Since opening in 2008, Shipley and his team have enjoyed working with a number of respected, high-profile organizations and initiatives, including those listed here.

American Highway Users Alliance – production of a series of video clips in various markets about the importance of pretreating roadways in advance of winter storms.

Autism Society of Northern Virginia – organization development, strategic planning, fundraising, event management, and website and newsletter writing and design.

Campbell Hoffman Foundation – planning and coordination of special events to honor CHF’s major donations to free public health clinics, and creation of commemorative displays.

Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency – strategic communications, media relations and creative services support for DARPA challenge events.

Diesel Technology Forum – flash and video segments on key issue areas for the Forum’s website, and coverage of clean diesel demonstration events in Washington and Sacramento.

Invictus Foundation – Coverage of announcement event for the 2016 Invictus Games featuring Prince Harry and Michelle Obama.

Roadway Safety Foundation – two programs on older driving issues featuring representatives from AARP and the US Department of Transportation.

Stratacomm – field production services for the US Department of Energy’s Solar Decathlon, and writing and design of a traffic safety-related website.

Teen RSA – educational program for teens to raise awareness about the importance of staying alert and reading the road when walking, biking, skateboarding and driving.

Woodrow Wilson Center – scriptwriting, field production and edit supervision of tribute videos for the Center’s annual ceremony to honor recipients of its public service and corporate citizenship awards.